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Movies on DVD - Deckare & Thrillers

Beck 18 Flickan i jordkällaren (Girl in the Basement) - Movie/Film

Audio: Swedish

Subtitles: English, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian


In an abandoned basement a dead girl is found dead neatly bedded. Beside her is an plate with newly made food, but the investigation shows that she's been dead for a while. No child has been charged as missing. Who is she? How did she get there? Who has placed out food to a dead child? Marin Beck and Gunvald Larsson takes on this case, where the leads take them from the woods outside of Stockholm and ends far outside of the Swedish borders.

''Flickan i Jordkällaren is a classical whodunit thriller with all ingredients a movie needs in this genre. The two main problems in the movie - who was this dead girl and why did she die in the cellar - are kept unsolved quite long. The spectator gets several possible killers and scenarios and is lead into wrong directions as it is essential in a whodunit. The investigation even leads Beck to Germany where he meets a colleague, Kommissar Sperling. A short sequence of the German TV-Series Aktenzeichen XY is shown, in which the police calls for help to identify the little girl. This creates a realistic environment and makes Flickan i Jordkällaren to one of the best Beck movies.'' (Internet Movie Database)

I en övergiven jordkällare hittas en död flicka prydligt nedbäddad. Bredvid henne står en tallrik med nylagad mat, men den rättsmedicinska undersökningen visar att hon varit död en tid. Inget barn är anmält saknat. Vem är hon? Hur hamnade hon där? Vem har ställt fram mat till ett uppenbart dött barn?

I trakten runt jordkällaren finns bara ett ensligt torp och en herrgård. Torpets ägare är försvunnen och familjen på herrgården känner inte till flickan, eller försöker de dölja något? Martin Beck och Gunvald Larsson tar sig an detta makabra fall, där spåren börjar i skogarna runt Stockholm och slutar långt utanför landets gränser.


US $21


US $11

Imported from Sweden. May take 10 to 20 days to arrive.

This film is encoded for normal DVD viewing in Europe, and may not play on a typical U.S. DVD Player. We recommend you consider purchasing one of our International DVD Players which are guaranteed to play DVDs from all European countries.

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